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Steps for Removing Mold

Posted on April 10, 2019

Mold removal picture MabelAmber / Pixabay

Mold removal is a tricky business. Once you find it in one spot, it’s likely elsewhere in your home. This is why you should never remove mold yourself. Hire a restoration team after you spot mold so they will ensure that no mold is left behind.

Inspection of the Property

When you first hire a restoration team, they’ll inspect the area where you found mold and all the areas surrounding it. Mold hides between walls, in basements, and in areas with a lot of moisture. It spreads really fast. They’ll also look at your furniture and appliances that may have mold growth. In fact, the first place you might spot mold is on your shower or sinks. If mold is particularly hidden, a restoration company can use sophisticated moisture-sensing equipment to find the best place to start looking. Once all the mold has been spotted, they will walk you through to get a sense the full extent of the damage.

Mold Removal and Salvaging Contents

The next step will be to remove anything that hasn’t been contaminated by mold. Once the room (or rooms) has been cleared, the real work begins. Any drywall, insulation, or flooring that’s been contaminated will need to be removed and disposed of. What’s left will be dried using fans and dehumidifiers to prevent mold from returning. Once the humidity is out of the area, it’s time to sanitize and repair any damages.

Sanitizing and Restoration

Finally, all furniture, appliances, and the remaining house structure are thoroughly sanitized. Using cutting-edge technology and sanitizing products, everything is treated with powerful chemical solutions that get rid of any remaining mold to restore your home to the way it was before. Anything that’s salvageable will be cleaned, and anything beyond repair will be thrown away. Because of the powerful solutions used, mold will be less likely to return. If drywall or other structural elements were removed, they will be rebuilt during this stage as well.

Final Inspection

Once the mold removal process is complete, the restoration company will do a final walk-through to make sure nothing was missed. They will talk you through everything that was completed and then work with your insurance company for payment.

If you are looking for a company to help with the mold removal process, look no further than All Brite Professional Cleaning Services. You can set up an appointment today by calling 1-863-382-0042.

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