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Additional Services You Can Add to Your Carpet Cleaning

Posted on September 5, 2018

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Scheduling an annual carpet cleaning can help to extend the life of your carpets. However, you may notice with a standard carpet cleaning your carpets still don’t look clean. As such, to get clean carpets, you may need carpet cleaning add-ons. Many people think technicians try to add additional services to make more money. Add-ons can leave you with cleaner carpets. If you know the different types of add-ons, it will help you determine if you need an add-on or not.

Carpet Deodorizer

Pets and children often leave your carpets smelly. These odors can become trapped into your carpet’s fibers. Air fresheners and candles can mask these smells for a certain amount of time. Adding carpet deodorizer, however, helps to eliminate odors completely. If you do not want to mask the smell, then adding a carpet deodorizer is a must.


Your staircases see a lot of foot traffic. You probably notice a lot of dirt while you walk up and down the stairs. While your staircases are some of the dirtiest carpets in your home, stairs are not included in a standard carpet clean. Adding staircase cleaning to your carpet cleaning service can help brighten all the carpets in your house.


Stain Removal

Stains happen to all carpets. If you have pets and children, your carpets probably have a lot more stains. A carpet cleaning will dull stains, but will not remove them entirely. When you add-on stain remover, you will ensure the complete removal of all your carpet stains.

Carpet Sanitizing

Clean carpets can help your family’s health. However, a regular carpet cleaning may not get rid of all of the bacteria and allergens that build up in your carpets. Carpet sanitizing can actually help family members with asthma. Your carpet’s fibers hold onto bacteria and allergens unless cleaned probably. Adding carpet sanitizing can help improve your family’s health.

Carpet Protectant

After having your carpets cleaned, you want clean carpets. But, inevitably a stain or odor finds their way to the carpet’s fibers. A way to prevent this from happening and keeping your clean carpets cleaned is adding carpet protectant. A carpet protectant guard against stains and odors getting deep down in your carpets.

Cleaning your carpets is essential to extend your carpet’s life. But, a regular carpet cleaning may not get your carpets as clean as you would like. You now know the different types of add-ons that can help to enhance your carpet cleaning. If you are ready to have clean carpets with some add-ons, then contact our professionals today. At All Brite Cleaning, we offer carpet cleaning and add-ons at a reasonable price. Call today at 1-863-382-0042 and schedule your cleaning.



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